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Geschrieben von Shark am 28.01.2005 um 00:23:


Es gibt bis jetzt mehrere GUIs bei denen die verschiedenen Addons zum Teil aufeinander aufbauen. Ich empfehle sich für eine der drei beliebtesten Sammlungen zu entscheiden.

1. Cosmos
2. Gypsy

Eine Sache haben alle 3 Mods gemeinsam - sie stellen mehr Buttons bereit. Jeder der die Beta gespielt hat wird gemerkt haben daß 10 Tasten schlichtweg nicht reichen und Daoc-Style umschalten zwischen Leisten (mit Shift + Nummer) umständlich, langsam und unübersichtlich ist.

Die Mods bieten bis zu 50 zusätzliche Buttons, in Falle von Cosmos kann man jedem Button eine Taste zuordnen.

Ich habe mich als Basis für Cosmos entschieden. Einige halten es für aufgeblasen, aber ich nutze mindestens 50% der Funktionen, den Rest habe ich entweder abgeschaltet oder ignoriere es. Gypsy und CTMod haben nur einen Bruchteil der Cosmos-Funktionalität, wenn man aber einfach kein Cosmos will kann man diese genauso gut als Basis nehmen und dann manuell mit Funktionen (sprich stand alone Addon) erweitern.


Wichtig: Deutsches WOW

Ich habe in der US-Beta Cosmos ohne Probleme verwendet. Nach der Installation von DE-Beta-Wow mußte ich feststellen daß einige der Cosmos-Bestandteile schlichtweg nicht funktioniert haben. Meine Vermutung war daß einige Addons mit Spellnamen arbeiten und das deutsche Wow fälschlicherweise innerhalb der API übersetzte Spellnamen liefert. Ich habe mir nicht die Zeit genommen dies zu überprüfen (weil ich spielen wollte ohne erst rumzufummeln), habe einfach DE-WOW gelöscht und EU-ENG-WOW installiert. Cosmos lief sofort auf anhieb ohne Probleme.

Wenn man nicht auf DE-Wow verzichten will kann man Cosmos auch weiterhin nutzen, nur darf man nicht erwarten daß alles funktionieren wird.


Webseiten mit Addons:


Geschrieben von Shark am 28.01.2005 um 18:42:


Neue URL:


Neue Addons:


Dieses Addon scheint für Hunter sehr interessant zu sein. Man kann damit Ziele auf der Minimap anlicken und so ins Target bekommen.


Tracking Menu

Ersetzt die Trackingbuttons durch ein Menü, also auch ein Hunterplugin.



Mit dem Mod kann man den Puller in einer Gruppe festlegen und ihm dann mit einem Macro assisten. Scheint gute Idee zu sein, vor allem außerhalb von PBAE Gruppen. Werde ich vielleicht in mein Theme aufnehmen.


Geschrieben von Shark am 31.01.2005 um 16:02:


Ein Plugin welches Hunter's Pet verbessert.


Geschrieben von Shark am 05.02.2005 um 16:20:


Defend Yourself

Defend Yourself is a really complex addon for a really simple thing: engaging in melee combat. It's intended for any path(Rogue support is coming along good, still might need some more tweaks though). It does 3 main things:

1) Makes sure you enter combat when you use an offensive spell or ability on a target.
2) When you are attacked, you will enter melee combat with the aggressor(usually...)
3) If you are attacked by multiple opponents, on the death of one you will immediately target and attack the new one. No forgetting between spells!


Geschrieben von Andy am 05.02.2005 um 16:35:


jo, noch mehr cheats bitte

Geschrieben von Shark am 05.02.2005 um 18:23:



This is a tooltip mod that modifies the tooltips that display when you mouse over NPCS and PCs. It lets you customize nearly all parts of it, such as: What displayed, color displayed in, and background color.


Geschrieben von Shark am 17.02.2005 um 21:29:



What is it? - A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above you character model, much like what already happens above your target. This makes it so you do not have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window and gives it a "Final Fantasy" feel.


Chat Localizer

The Chat Localizer can be used to automatically display language-specific Chat Channels in World of Warcraft on regional Servers.
For Example: If you use the english client on a german Server you'll auto-join the german chat channels which you would not see otherwise.

Channels will get the correct channels numbers if you do not turn off some of them.

Standard Channels after installation:
1. General
2. Trade (where available. "Invaild channel name" otherwise)
3. LocalDefense
4. LookingForGroup

5. WorldDefense can be turned on by using the commandline options


Geschrieben von Shark am 22.03.2005 um 04:54:



This AddOn is intended to determine the proc rates of weapon procs. It can also be used to watch for events in combat but the primary purpose is focused on procs.


Geschrieben von Shark am 28.03.2005 um 12:03:

  RE: Addons


This is possibly the most flexible alerter there is, doubly so as it requires nothing other than my ever faithful name Fetcher to run. No huge dependencies here. So what makes it so configurable?

Well, out of the box a standard report would be like this, once the pet is below 60 per cent health and every 20 seconds.

"[HP: ???/???] My pet (name)'s hurt! Please, heal (him/her)."


Geschrieben von Shark am 07.04.2005 um 03:56:



This is a very very simple GUI - Previous Track, Play/Pause and Next Track buttons - for wTunes

wTunes (http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=675) allows you to control iTunes (or several other mp3 players) running in background while you play WoW.


Geschrieben von Shark am 12.04.2005 um 14:29:


KWOW Multi Tool

- Screenshot Manager (preview, open all image types ,convert to jpg/bmp/tga, resize on convert, delete after convert)
- Backup your accounts
- Backup your savedvariables.lua
- Backup your WTF, WDB Folder
- Remove Chatcache (if cosmobug)
- Backup Addons
- Backup Interface Folder
- Backupfolder selectable
- write new Tocversion to all Addons
- Autoupdate


Geschrieben von Shark am 16.04.2005 um 07:22:



Plays the "cancel quest" sound effect when an enemy(npc or player) dodges, alerting you when to use your overpower ability.


Geschrieben von Shark am 19.04.2005 um 23:30:



This small little addon hides the class specific bars for Warrior, Rogue, Paladin and Druid.


Geschrieben von Shark am 20.04.2005 um 11:18:



The current Troll racial is usable after you are wounded by a critical.
BerserkDing makes that event more noticable by playing a wav file so you can activate your berserk ability. The sound will only be played if the berserking ability is available and not on its cooldown cycle.

There are two wav files included. They are existing Troll speech saying 'I dig it', one for female Trolls and one for male Trolls. Both files should be replacable by any wav file with the same names.


Geschrieben von Shark am 19.05.2005 um 23:03:



This WoW addon maintains correct common chat channels (general, trade, looking for group, local defense, world defense) even if server and client languages differ. It is a complete rewrite of Sarih's Chat Localizer v1.082 - THX Sarih for your efforts!


Geschrieben von Shark am 25.05.2005 um 00:40:


WoWAMP Interactive Music for WoW

WoWAMP is a package that automatically plays interactive music in World of Warcraft. Inspired by the in-game interactive music, such as the swelling choir when one approaches Stormwind City, I set out to create a package that would allow players to customize their interactive music experience. This first release of WoWAMP allows players to:
- define overall default music
- define default combat music
- define default death music
- define zone-specific music
- define subzone (minimap)-specific music
- define zone-specific death music
- define zone-specific combat music


Geschrieben von Shark am 25.05.2005 um 10:41:

  RE: Addons

Servitude Resurrection

A warlock pet addon that manages and autocasts # of pet skills

Type "/servitude" after install for the configuration window.

=== Voidwalker ===

* Auto Consume Shadows - Voidwalker will cast Consume Shadows after battle if his HP is below a specified percentage
* Auto Sacrifice - Voidwalker will cast Sacrifice during battle if his or the player's HP drops below a specified percentage
* NEW: Auto Disable Taunt when target below configured health percentage
* NEW: Auto Cancel of Soul Link when Auto Sacrifice activates

=== Imp ===

* NEW: Smart Fire Shield - Independant control for Solo and Party.

NOTE: If Smart Fire Shield is enabled and you are in a party, and your tanks are not within range, you'll have errors indicating "Invalid Target", or "Out of Range", depending on whether they're near you or not.

I recommend disabling it until they are actually in range to prevent the errors. Unfortunately, the API provides no way to check if they are in range or not. **NEW I have added a TargetByName check to further reduce the anoying target clearing noise.

=== Succubus ===

* Smart Soothing Kiss - Succubus will not cast Soothing Kiss if her HP is above a specified percentage
* Auto Invisibility - Succubus will cast Lesser Invisibility after battle if she has no debuff
* NEW: Auto Re-Seduce - When activated via the Keybindings, or using ActivateSeduce("target") in a macro, Servitude will detect when Seduction fades from the target the Succubus is seducing, and will assist your pet and re-cast Seduction on that target. It will currently clear the state when someone has broken the seduce. ie it will only re-seduce on fade, not when someone breaks it.

NOTE: A fade and a break are currently registering as the same event, and as such I've put in a check to see if the targets health has dropped prior to re-seducing. This should now stop the succubus from re-seducing a broken target, as long as the health change is at least 1%, and as long as the unit's health hasn't increased.

=== Felhunter ===

* Auto Non-Combat Devour - Felhunter will search and devour magical debuffs on himself or the player after battle
* Hungry Felhunter - Felhunter will search and devour magical debuffs on himself or the player during combat if his HP drop below a specified percentage. You can set to always on by putting the threshold at 100%.
* The addon automatically creates a Magical Debuff List that can be divide between the list of buff you want to be devoured in combat, and those that you don't.
* NEW: Independant configuration for scanning raid or party members for debuffs to devour.
* NEW: Configurable devouring of Mind Vision
* NEW: Ignores Dreamless Sleep debuff
* NEW: Scan Felhunter first option
* NEW: PVE and PVP Smart Spell Lock options.

NOTE: Since PVE units can have the same name, it's possible that the Felhunter will spell lock your target when another target with the same name beings to cast a spell.

The Spell Lock database will learn spells in the same manner as the Debuff Database. Move spells that you want interupted above the Spell Lock line in the Spell Lock database.

** The Felhunter will only Spell Lock your current target at the time it see the "begins to cast" message. If you target the caster after this event, Spell Lock will not occur **


Geschrieben von Shark am 01.06.2005 um 22:17:



A simple benchmark for tanking gear.
Why TankPoints?
Should I choose high stam gear or defense gear?
Or should I choose hi agi gear for dodge and armor, or just plain high armor gear?
Choosing the right gear would be much eazier if there were some sort of benchmark that takes into account all those variables and caculates one simple benchmark for us to reference in game, meet TankPoints!

How is TankPoints caculated?
For those interested, this is a detailed discription of how TankPoints are calculated, the math behind TankPoints.

ArmorReductionTemp = Armor/((85 * PlayerLevel) + 400)
ArmorReduction = ArmorReductionTemp /(ArmorReductionTemp + 1)
CritReduction = (Defense - PlayerLevel * 5) * 0.04 * 0.01
MobCrit = max(0, 0.05 - CritReduction);
TotalReduction = 1-[(mobCrit*2+(1-mobCrit)*(1-dodge)*(1-parry))*(1-ArmorReduction)]

TankPoints = MaxHealthPoints / (1 - TotalReduction)

The physical meaning behide TankPoints is the raw amount of damage you can take without any healing, which takes into account MaxHP, Armor, Defense, Dodge and Parry.

Note: Block is a more complicated variable that depends on mob attack speed and personal skills, thus is not considered in this benchmark.


Geschrieben von Shark am 06.06.2005 um 03:35:



EnemyDetector is a mod that makes searching for enemy players much easier. It has the following functions:
Detect a single enemy;
Detect all enemies;
Notify raid/party.
You can assign them to the keys in the Key Bindings menu.
When you think that an enemy may be near, just press your hotkey. In a fraction of a second, you will know if there is anyone in a large radius around you. You may then press a "notify raid/party" hotkey to warn your friends.


Geschrieben von Jussuf am 06.06.2005 um 15:00:


ähhh... versteh ich das jetzt richtig dass das für jede klasse ist ? oder nur hunter und drui mit dem trackbla wo man feinde sieht ?!

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